Wednesday, August 18, 2010

13. 'Just Kidding' and 'Ganging up' from The Odd Girl Out

         A time when i had been harassed by a larger group was two year. This made me feel demoted and my self-esteem went downhill. I had a lot of breakdowns and instead of having people to go to, I thought that there was no one there for me because I felt that everyone would judge me for what my actions are. I didn't have any confidence in myself at all. My options in this situation were to find someone I can trust or to build confidence in myself. I decided that it wasn't worth it to bring myself down simply because of the people who had ganged up on me. I can't deny that I have done this before myself, but now, I think twice before I would do this to someone. I think that people bully others either because at some point in their own lives, they feel like they were put down in some way, or that they simply want to make themselves feel better. 
         Most of the time, it is because a person doesn't have self-esteem themselves and feel threatened by those who they envy, so they take gang up on someone to make themselves feel better. I believe that everyone has a degree of insecurity, but everyone has their own ways of coping with it. Bullying is just the easist way to express their power over others.

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