Wednesday, August 25, 2010

my humungo ASTI family :)

Great Grandparents :D
Mr. Sutherland:
The coolest, dirtiest, great grandfather/ teacher in the world!

Francis Cabotaje:
Great Grandpa Francis was recently added into our family. He volunteered to be the great grandfather because of his awesome white, grey, and black hair :)

Kaila Belgarde:
My great grandma likes to walk and act like a typical cranky old person, but is the most awesome grandmother ever.

Grandparents x)
Kim Alvarez:
Oh gosh Kim...don't even get me started. She's another typical grandmother who sits in front of a tv, but not just a Filipino channel. Nope. She watches all the most popular dramas like Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Huge, and much much more. She can name more actors and singers then I ever can....

Annie Mae Young:
Yes, she's my mother....She claims to be Filipino even though she's the most pale person I know. My mommy is a reader. Sometimes I think that that's all she does everyday. But my dad is Kevin Jonas. Yes, the oldest Jonas Brother who recently got married. Don't even get me started about that.

Peter Chen: my asian mother.(: I have no idea how this came about but....he's my mother. and....I suppose that means I love him :D

Brianna Youngblood:
Mommyyy :D Brianna was the first one to call me her daughter at ASTI.
Mommy is the best, but I don't get to see her enough :(

Kyle Salter:
He likes rainbows apparently.....He and Brianna are supposedly married. He is the only Caucasian in my family and he's special in every way :D

Leon Liang:
He's my asian father. He yells at me everyday and we poke fun at each other all the time xD He doesn't like to call me "daughter" simply because he thinks it sounds weird. So I'm his "son". -.-''

Tiffany Cao:
Tiffany is my other father. Tiffany and Peter became my parents at the same time and somehow, mixed up the titles. Tiffany is by far the best dad I have (sorry leon and kyle xD) she cooks for me and lets me steal all her rasberry tea :)

Amber Chan:
She's the greatest and best sister in the freakin world (: Yes, I call her a chair and i blame this all on facebook asking me about what type of furniture she represents most :D Hehe. Now, before ASTI, we both went to Lincoln, but the most we said was "hi". Now, we go crazy and creepy on everyone :D Though we're obviously not twins (according to Annie), we're definatly sisters :PP

Karen Situ:
This girl is LOUD and I think that's the only reason why we're related xD We would always be yelling at each other across the classroom or across streets with everyone staring at us thinking "What the heck???

Jay Pan:
Jay is the newest to the family and I adopted him one day after PE. He's super funny and really easy to talk to. I still have to find a way to make him do something crazy with me, but I'm working on it!

M.R :
I'm not exactly sure if he's my brother or not, but I'm sure Kyle wouldn't mind adopting him into the family :D
The only reason why he's under 'siblings' is because the day I was screaming at Jay to tell him he's my brother, MR thought I was talking to him. :] anywho, welcome to the family MR :D

Wify/ Husbands (:
Janice Truong:
She's my PE and mustache drawing buddy. We go hiking over the hill after PE everyday, so technically, she is obligated to be my wife. xD

Vanessa Berrios:
Vanessa and I have a weird relationship. She's scared of me, but she loves me. XD vice versa!
But she's still my wife because last year, in Higashi's class, we were making babies and she was my partner. We made a blond haired blue eyed baby named Nathan Justin. (yes. justin bieber becaue when i drew him, he looked exactly like Justin Bieber) We have a thing for lollipops and ring pops ;]

Saskia Sumida:
Saskia is my LOVE! We had PE together last year and our child is the biggest football in the PE cart. We go to Starbucks every week and just go crazy on the sugar :D

Camal Saleh:
LOL i recently adopted this one....everyone calls him their son, but he's MY son! He even calls me mom. xD

Jason Adiong:
heh....Jason's nickname from me is "friend". I literally tell him everything and even though now, I don't really talk to or see him now, he's still my best friend.

John Hamilton:
Last year, John proclaimed to me that he was my new bestfriend. He helps me through so much nowadays and I really do trust him :)

Marco Powell:
LOL Marco.....I sit next to him in anatomy and now were best friends :P
Simple as that. We argue on just about anything and yet, we're still friends...amazing.....
heh. Yes yes Marco. Of course you're my bestfriend :D....*ahem* I kinda lost that cheapo rubberband friendship bracelet you gave me :P I'll find it soon though...


  1. writing all this made me realize how big of a family we have..i didn't put in the overlaps of family members would be too confusing xD

  2. I hope you don't mind that I copy and paaste this as my own with my own descriptions of the family. xD

  3. hahahaha :]
    LOVE the part where people look at us like what the heck cuz it is so freaken true xD like yelling at each other for like no freaken reason omg so fun :]
    LOVE the part with vanessa reminds me of the ring pop story

  4. LOLLL KAREN! ring pops... xDDDDDD don't even remind me. LOL its ok kim. you should add the overlapping relationships with ppl too xD
