Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Words 9/15

     Words are used as a form of expression, and without it there is no way for opinions to be made. When opinions are not left for others to hear, society is forced to turn to only one person to tell everyone what to do. Without communication, forms of governments such as democracy are not made possible; people are unable to express their will and feelings.
     Allowing people to have the freedom of speech also means for people to be more careful with their words. Saying something to someone that you may not this is offensive does not mean that someone else may not take what you said offensively. The freedom of speech allows people to be free, but also have a higher chance of making mistakes in their community. Such as the issue with the Arizona policy; the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, said that most illegal Mexicans are drug smugglers and that is why Arizona should have this new policy. Many people too what the governor said as an offensive and racist statement. The way she had stated her point made her become antagonized by much of the population. The mistake she made was in the way she had said and phrased her statement. Being in the high position that she holds, she has even more responsibility for the things she says and does.
     Words are a powerful thing. When you abuse it or when you say hurtful words without thinking, the consequences are most likely more than they are worth in the first place.

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