Friday, October 1, 2010


     I'm standing on a sidewalk. There's a fire. I wanted to race over to help, but after taking a few steps, I found myself unable to move. I was just far enough to make out a bunch of people, but two distinct smaller figures kneeling by a lifeless body.
"You!  How could you possibly do this to me? How could you?" a young girl screamed, gasping for air.
"Don't! Don't Rose! You can't do anything now!" a boy, shouted desperately, half hugging half holding the girl, Rose, back.
"How could I, Dan? Tell me! How could I? After all he had promised us!" Rose cried, submitting to the boy's gentle pats and calming down into a short huff of breaths.
"There's nothing we can do now. He's still with us. He always will be." Dan spoke into Rose's honey brown hair. Dan looked up at the sky like he was praying...
     They looked so familiar to me. The boy, Dan, with his blond messy hair and the girl, Rose, with her short hair and even the lifeless adult body, still in the shadows of Dan and Rose leaning over him. I knew them. I knew this all too well...but how?

     I began to wake. "No," I thought, "I need to finish." The light shown in my face and I opened my eyes to the brightness of the morning sun. Normally it didn't come out this early, but today was different. I scanned what I called my "room". Although other's wouldn't consider it much, it was the only place I had now. It was a
small room about the size of one of those public bathrooms at McDonald's except instead of bathroom stalls, there was a bed and a small desk and a stack of clothes in two baskets in the corner. It wasn't much, but I was grateful for what I had. 
     Let me tell you a little story about myself. I don't remember any of my past. Any of it. Apparently, I was a foster child and had no where to go and had no one to care for me. I was hit by a car and lost all my memory. Great story huh? Yeah, I agree. But now, I had Trent and he's all I'll ever need. Right now, I'm seventeen. I living in the outskirts of a small rural town. 
     I was never interested in my past before, but something recently sparked my brain into having these dreams. Now, I really want to know who I am. These dreams were derived from seeing just one thing recently, but I didn't recognize what. I passed by too many things from day to day and I didn't have the time or energy to recall these things.
     I got up slowly, not wanting to leave the warmth of my blankets. But I had to..I walked outside into the bright sunlight. 


  1. made a response post.
    horrible grammar skills. sssooo... sorry.

  2. I responded:
