Friday, October 8, 2010

What Has Society Come To?

     At this moment, there are thousands of people fighting for equal treatment. These people are being constantly put down by society and everyone around them. Their rights are constantly being shot down and anything they try to do to gain their rights back lead to even more suppression and pain. These people are those who have different sexual orientations than everyone else. Whether someone is gay, lesbian, bisexual or anything else, they are still human beings. Nothing can change that. America is supposedly the country in which anyone is accepted and anyone has the same rights as everyone else. But look at where we are. Look at all the people around you anyone you know who has a different sexual orientation than the "norm" of society. They are not getting the rights they deserve. They fight and fight with everything they have in them and they are being neglected because they are different. They are being put down because they have the bravery and the determination to stand up for what they want and what they deserve. And yes. They do have every right to fight for what they deserve; to have what they deserve.
     It is within the people of America's discretion to determine whether or not these people can have their rights. If this is so, I don't understand why people refuse to vote on equal rights. It may be that your religion or family or beliefs and morals tell you that being gay is wrong, but think about it, if you were put in such a situation in which you have no power to determine whether or not you can have the right to marry or even have the comfort of coming out and telling everyone who you really are, would you like everyone around you to shun you and ignore your desperate pleads for equality? 

    Time and time again, many people have been suppressed because they are different from everyone else in society or because others believe that they do not deserve their rights. Here in America, there are so many incidents of this occurring and this country is called "The Land of the Free". I can't imagine what it is like in other countries at all.


  1. I responded:

  2. I responded:

  3. I responded to your post :)
